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We’ve got to ask
Please confirm you’re above to legal drinking age in your country.
American Rye Whiskey must by law be made from at least 51% rye, the other ingredients are often a mix of corn and barley. The result is a much spicier and dryer whiskey than the sweeter bourbon offerings. Rye whiskey lost popularity for a while, as Bourbon over shadowed the American Whiskey drinking market. Recently Rye whiskey has had a resurgence with fans likening it to Scottish Islay Whisky due to its distinctive flavour profile.
We're the masters of bottle engraving. We can add your personal message to a wide range of whisky and bourbon bottles with image engraving available on selected bottles. Perfect for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions.
We treat all personalised bottles individually, taking our time and experience to set out your message to create the most impactful bottle decoration possible. This may include increase the size of some fonts within the message to pay particular focus on key lines or phrases, spacing message over extra lines and removing unnecessary punctuation.
Yes, all the lines of messages will be centred.
If you can type it, we can engrave it! When using alternative languages it may be neccessary for us to alter the font to ensure all characters are supported, in these cases we use the closest style font to your original selection.
Unfortunatley we are unable to engrave emoji's or picture characters. Where these are added the character will be removed from your message.
We specially select the fonts we use. Once a bottle has been engraved the cut glass is then infilled with a special decorative silver paste. These fonts ensure we provide the optimum width and depth during the engraving process to creat maximum visibility once infilled.
The fonts we currently use are: Lucida Calligraphy, Lucida Handwriting, Verdana and Segoe Print.